The figures below should make you as upset as I feel. We could use the $3.4 Billion owed right about now, and not for more wasteful spending, but for things that benefit all like improved infrastructure, defense and approving
no-brainers like the Keystone Pipeline which will assist us in being more energy independent.
All I know is if you or I owed taxes like this, the IRS would be more than happy to assess us with a large penalty and other measures designed to get us to pay up soon....so why is it any different for the 279,000 who work for the taxpayers????
Over 279,000 Federal Workers Owe $3.4 Billion in Back Taxes
Over 279,000 federal workers and retirees owed more than $3.4 billion in back income taxes in 2010 (up from $3.3 billion in 2009, $3.0 billion in 2008, and $2.7 billion in 2007).
The cabinet departments with the largest percentages of employee/retiree tax deadbeats are:
Housing & Urban Development: 3.89%
Education: 3.88%
Army: 3.83%
Veterans Affairs: 3.78%
Commerce: 3.54%
Health & Human Services: 3.51%
Defense: 3.19%
Air Force: 3.11%
Navy: 3.05%
State: 2.94%
Other departments and agencies:
U.S. Office of Government Ethics: 6.49%
Federal Reserve Board: 4.86%
U.S. House of Representatives: 4.24%
U.S. Senate: 3.08%
SEC: 2.50%
U.S. Tax Court: 2.25%
Treasury Department: 0.96% (the lowest delinquency rate among cabinet departments)
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