A combat medic and Miss Utah 2007, Sgt. Jill Stevens is a member of the Utah National Guard's 1st Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment.
Sgt. Jill Stevens gives motivational talks to students about her slogan, "Lock and Load," which she translates to "Be ready for anything and make every moment count." And last month she visited Soldiers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., and ran the Marine Corps Marathon.
Sgt. Stevens joined the Army National Guard six months before 9/11. Two years later, she deployed to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan, where she cared for 10 to 40 Soldiers a day at the medical aid station.
It was in Afghanistan that retired Sgt. 1st Class Lee Porter predicted Sgt. Stevens would one day be Miss America, a year before she considered entering a pageant. "She's an all-around amazing girl, the type of person who's going to make a difference in people's lives," he said.
The divide between Soldier and beauty queen, beret and tiara, evening gown and Army combat uniform, is not so vast to Sgt. Stevens.
"To me, they go hand in hand. The military wants people to get an education, to be fit and, above all, to serve. It's the same with Miss America. They also want you to be educated; they also promote fitness; and the biggest part is service. Both teach you to be leaders."
Which title best suits her?
"Oh, definitely the Soldier," she said. "I show up to my Miss Utah events in uniform. In parades, I'm in uniform instead of an evening gown to show that this is who I am."

Heloo jill
Hey, Jill, ae you appearing in Calif.or anyime. How can we get autographed pics or at least oneline autographs - you're really swell and great and all that.
Hi jill remember me
Hi Jill, what you are doing today?
El sargento jill es una mujer genial que Dios La Bendiga, me gustaría saber si ella aun esta activa en el ejercito.
Hola: Espero que alguien lea en español esta nota. Es para ver si se la hacen llegar a la Sra. Jill Stevens. Aparecen algunas de sus fotografias en Internet, con los nombres de: Lydia Walker, Annabelle James, Sgt.Jasmine Henderson, Anita Brown y Elmer Betty, tanto en Facebok, Messenger, Webs de contactos de sexo, etc. Es decir alguien está usurpando su identidad para fines ilícitos y esta persona probablemente lo desconozca.
En el blogspot de PHOTOGRAPHY BY DEREK MILLER, aparecen varias fotos de reportajes
realizados a la Sra. Jill Stevens y en los comentarios, personas que indican que
han visto alguna de estas fotografias en alguna web e incluso mantener contacto con las personas que la suplantan.
Por si es necesario les facilito mi correo electronico: rgarciacortina62@gmail.com
Un cordial saludo.
Saludos desde Bogota Colombia . hermosa Sargento Jill Stevens. que Dios le bendiga siempre, tal vez tenga la esperanza de algún día de conocerla en persona.
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