Sunday, June 9, 2013

Apologies and updates / On the road again.......

I apologize to anyone who has wondered why I have been lax in posting anything for a bit. Getting off deployment to Afghanistan is not as easy as it sounds.

I have been home for just under 2 1/2 weeks and it takes getting used to being back on home footing. I have visited with most friends and family, gotten caught up with some home stuff and also got busy on some work related items.  Then an opportunity comes along that changes the schedule.....

 I'm on a road trip of sorts and it involves a cross country drive. Landed in Seattle on Saturday and made my way across Washngton State. Pretty country and some serious, spending the day in Spokane. The Eastern part of Washington State is wide open farmland as far as the eye can see....It was breathtaking and eiree as there were places out there without people/towns/etc. as far as the eye could see. Lots of large wind farms near Yakima.....A great place for wind energy.

 More info to follow....Just wanted to let you know that Middleboro Jones is out exploring a little of the USA for a change instead of the wilds of Afghanistan.  Hope to be able to share some pictures soon.

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