Today, I was heading back to our office at lunch time...I was walking across the area that is in between our villa and the offices....
I had a bag of sodas for the guards. On a regular basis, I bring cold water/sodas with me for the security gurds as it is hot ( today it was 112 F in the shade) and they stand out in the heat all day, keeping us safe.
There was a young man (age 11-12) walking by heading home from school. He spoke great english and he asked me for a soda, seeing that I had a bag full of them.
I said sure and gave him a soda.
He asked for another with a big smile - I said why ??
He said " For my brother "
So I asked him - " Where's your brother??" as he was alone - I gave him a kidding and asked him " Is he in your back pack??"
He looked at me and said, " At home...." - I asked him if he really had a brother at home and he said he did.
So I gave him two sodas......he was smiling like you wouldn't believe. He was so happy over something so easy for me to do - sharing sodas that are plentiful for us, and likely not as easy for him to get on a regular basis.
This was another one of the encounters I have had here in Afghanistan that demonstrate why we are here. Here was a young man from Kandahar and an Old Seabee like me, meeting for a few minutes, sharing friendship and being able to share a laugh and a smile.
As it was written, " And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Since you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me." - Matthew 25:40
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